

Customization Solution

that provide robots
in the most suitable form
for customer environments

Struggling to find
the perfect robot for your site?
Are you facing high costs for equipping automation system?
Looking to implement the ideal automation system tailored to your site?

The Customization Solution
is the ideal first step
towards achieving factory automation
that caters to the specific needs of your industry.

The Customization Solution
can customize robots
to meet your specific needs.

We offer a range of
site-customized hardware options
including low-floor type, conveyor type,
lift type, and cobot(collaborative robot).

Additionally, we offer
a variety of driving methods,
such as SLAM, QR, SLAM+QR, and more,
to suit the environment of your site.

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Advantages of the Customization Solution

01 Reduction in labor costs

The introduction of one robot can reduce labor costs up to 70%.

02 Productivity Improvement

Improvement in work productivity can be achieved through factory automation.

03 Guarantee of safety

The Customization Solution helps create a safer work environment by reducing the accident rates for both workers and forklifts.

Customization Solution


TWINNY's AMR can operate in large and complex factories without requiring infrastructure such as QR codes or markers.


The robots may be equipped with a variety of modules, such as low-floor type, conveyor type, lift type, shelf type, and cobot.


No initial infrastructure installation is needed, making it adaptable to current site conditions.


Our solution can be adapted to any factory layout, no matter how complex.


TWINNY's solution are adaptable to a range of robots, including AGV, 2D, and 3D.

Examples of Utilizing
TWINNY's Customization Solution

Samsung Electro-Mechanics

Samsung Electro-Mechanics' factories are currently using TWINNY's robots for the transportation of finished products.


NSK is employing the NarGo500 in their factory logistics automation process.

Hana Micron

Hana Micron is utilizing highly specialized robots which are cobots installed on medium-sized NarGo robots for their semiconductor post-process automation.

Samsung SDI

Samsung SDI's battery production facilities in Cheonan (South Korea), Tianjin, and Xian (China) are utilizing TWINNY's solution.