
Control System

Control System Solution

that provides various services
for efficient operation
of multiple robots within a factory

Are you difficult
to operate your factory systemically?

Let the Control System Solution
make it easy for you.

The Control System Solution
provides a variety of operating methods.

On-Premise Type

The on-premise type is a method of installing and operating your own server directly.
This provides you with secure information management.

Cloud-Based Type

The server is managed in a remote environment, enabling users to access the system via the internet.
It is a cost-effective and time-efficient way to set up the system.

Independent Type

The independent type control system is a self-contained software that allows robots to be used without the need for interworking with external servers and devices.

Advantages of the Control System Solution

01 No additional system required

The Control System Solution seamlessly integrates with your parent system, eliminating the need for additional robot management systems.

02 Optimized utilization of robots

By offering services like task management and traffic management, the Control System Solution enhances robot utilization.

03 Maintenance

TWINNY's Control System Solution offers real-time monitoring, job history, and error history which enables easy maintenance and repair.

A Utilization Scenario
for the Control System Solution

Practical example 1
Robots can be operated and used automatically.
Practical example 2
Robots can be directly called and used.

Control System Solution


It can be seamlessly integrated with your factory's top systems such as MES and MCS.